Design, supplying, installation, assembly of the structure, testing, commissioning and operation of an off- grid and on-grid photovoltaic system
Detailed description of the project
Design, supplying, installation, assembly of the structure, testing, commissioning and operation of an off-grid photovoltaic system in the Pontifial Javerian University in Colombia.
Services provided by the legal entity of the project
- Design, descriptive report, and calculations for the photovoltaic module support structure.
- Design, descriptive report, and calculations for the joints of the structural elements.
- Analysis of the shading produced by the modules, by their distribution, by accident, or by environmental elements.
- Design, descriptive report, and calculations of auxiliary elements, as directed by the current norms, (huts, fencing, etc.).
- Detailed measurements of the different sections of the works to be executed.
- Design of the transmission power adjustment installations.
- Works planning.
- Design, descriptive report, and calculations, and low- and medium-tension electrical – generation project drawings for photovoltaic installations.
- Predictive and preventative maintenance: Review of the photovoltaic installation parameters and activity protocols, with visits and activity planning.
- Corrective Maintenance: Breakdown and incident repairs within contractual guaranteed timeframes.
- Thermography Inspection: Determination of hotspots, in order to detect panel and other electrical equipment faults.
- Real-time monitoring of photovoltaic installations. Analysis and diagnostics of performance parameters.
- Storage and processing of the installation data in the Database.
- Statistical graphs of the stored data, including energy and generation graphs expressed in varying temporal scales.
- Evaluation of results and statistical production reports of different installations.